restorative yoga chest openers: 3 creative & effective propping techniques for more ease
The trick to softening in this position is that we need to feel supported, and we can create conditions for this softening with strategically (and creatively) placed props.

how to rest when laying down isn’t an option
This posture allows us to feel supported and relaxed, and we can use it as a training ground to learn how to rest and relax in other moments of our lives.

3 practices to boost energy when we feel depleted
These energy-boosting practices skillfully use the breath to warm, engage, and create more energetic flow in the body.

jillian’s favorite picks for fostering presence, ease, and connection this holiday season
Jillian Pransky’s holiday yoga gift guide and special offers for supporting presence, ease, and connection this season.
heart-centered breathing: a quick reset practice for your body and mind
Heart breathing is a simple practice that you can practice wherever you are to help you untangle any tension or armor that you are carrying in your body, particularly around your chest and heart.

mindful relaxation: feel calmer & cooler in less than 10 minutes!
In this short, progressive relaxation practice, you’ll squeeze and release areas in your entire body, beginning at your feet and moving up, so you can let go of excess stress and tension, and feel a palpable sense of ease.

mindful walking: grounded, present & awakened
Mindful walking is a simple and quick tool to help you feel more connected to your body and grounded in your present experience. As a daily practice, mindful walking can make a big impact on your day.

metta meditation for a spacious heart
In this practice, we’ll create space within us and around us, so we can return to our spiritual heart center, and practice meeting and anchoring ourselves here in the present moment.

heart practices for hard times with joy activist Sah D’Simone
A conversation with Jillian and Sah D’Simone; a meditation teacher, spiritual guide, author and transformational speaker. Sah is the author of 5-Minute Daily Meditations, and Spiritually Sassy: 8 Radical Steps to Activate Your Innate Superpowers. He is the founder of Spiritually Sassy School platform and the presenter of the podcast titled The Spiritually Sassy Show

breath of joy: a breathing practice to lift your energy and mood
This simple three-part breathing technique. It is known to help slough off heaviness, sluggishness—lifting energy and mood—and stimulating your body and mind.

a restorative practice to receive heart centered healing
An energy practice to feel more energized and restored in your mind and body. This practice can be used to nourish our ability to create, expand, and be of service.
an energy practice to feel more connected & restored
An energy practice to feel more connected, restored, and to clear stagnation return to a state of vitality in our body and mind.

a practice for challenging times
Try this practice to feel more centered and present when we are carrying difficult thoughts, emotions, and sensations in the body and mind.

a quick reset practice to feel grounded on the spot
This quick reset technique to feel more grounded on the spot.

enhancing your restorative practice: 7 tips to relax more
Whether you are new to restorative yoga or a seasoned pro, little tweaks can help you get more relaxation out of your practice. From longer holds and deeper breathing to props and prep, here are 7 ways to get the most out of your restorative practice.

support your practice with my top reads and favorite gear to feel nourished, grounded and at home in your body, mind & soul
Best literature to explore the subtle side of yoga.