breath of joy: a breathing practice to lift your energy and mood
The energizing practice called "Breath of Joy" is a simple three-part breathing technique. It is known to help slough off heaviness, sluggishness—lifting energy and mood—and stimulating your body and mind.
The strong inhalations are synchronized with arm movements, which create stimulation through the entire system, increasing circulation of blood, oxygen, prana (energy) through the whole body and mind. It's known to detoxify the body and help release pent-up tension.
The practice expands breathing—especially during times when we have been experiencing more dull or restricted breathing, or are feeling low. It's a technique that is often used in classes that focus on yoga for depression as a way to create homeostatic balance, leaving you feeling more refreshed.
It's not recommended if you are very anxious or depleted.
In the video practice, I lead you through three variations. The first one is good to use if you are just healing, or feel a little anxious or depleted. It's more grounding and offers more ability to modulate so you don't over stimulate. I recommend trying all three practices so you find the one that works with your nervous system best.
breath of joy: a breathing practice to lift your energy & mood
Here are some basic instructions. Try it "lightly" first. Maybe even skip the arm movements.
1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and parallel, knees slightly bent.
2. Imagine the breath coming in three separate sips, gradually filling the lungs.
First, inhale one-third of your lung’s capacity at a time: imagine filling your belly, then your mid ribs, than your collar bones. Or if you wish to practice the more traditional version, you can imagine filling three parts of your lungs instead of your whole torso.
Add Arm Movement
a.) Inhale one-third of your lung capacity and swing your arms up in front of your body, bringing them parallel to each other at shoulder level, with palms facing the ceiling.
b. Continue inhaling to two-thirds capacity and stretch your arms out to the side like wings to shoulder level.
c. Inhale to full capacity and swing your arms parallel and higher in front of your chest—or even over your head.
d. Exhale out your mouth completely (if you wish with an audible ha!), bending the knees deeply as you swing arms down.
Repeat up 3- 9 times.
It's important that you don’t over effort with this breath. It should be smooth, rhythmic, and flow easily.
Don't force or strain the breath. Take a few moments when you finish the breath to be still; sense the ground, and notice your breath and the vibrations and sensations in your body. You may feel your whole body is sparkly and tingling.
If you feel dizzy at all, open your eye and gaze at a point on the ground. You can try this seated as well.
This breath is not recommended for those of you who feel acutely anxious, or are a fiery person (think Pitta dosha). It is also not recommended if you have glaucoma or high blood pressure or any kind of respiratory, head, or eye condition.
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