a deep listening conversation with Dr. Christiane Wolf
jillian pransky jillian pransky

a deep listening conversation with Dr. Christiane Wolf

A conversation with Jillian and Dr. Gail Parker about the difference between coming into agreement versus coming into understanding, the deep, deep work of getting to know ourselves, releasing expectations and allowing your students to have their own experiences, and so much more.

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a deep listening conversation with Dr. Gail Parker

a deep listening conversation with Dr. Gail Parker

A conversation with Jillian and Dr. Gail Parker about the difference between coming into agreement versus coming into understanding, the deep, deep work of getting to know ourselves, releasing expectations and allowing your students to have their own experiences, and so much more.

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a deep listening conversation with Lisa Weinert

a deep listening conversation with Lisa Weinert

A conversation with Jillian and Lisa Weinert about how learning to listen to the language and wisdom of our bodies when it comes to healing through our stories allows the awareness of the body to interrupt the one-way narrative in your mind that keeps you stuck.

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5 benefits of tapping into the relaxation response (plus, a 5-minute legs-up practice for relaxation)
Practice Now, Mindfulness/Meditation jillian pransky Practice Now, Mindfulness/Meditation jillian pransky

5 benefits of tapping into the relaxation response (plus, a 5-minute legs-up practice for relaxation)

If you’d like to build up your capacity to tap into your parasympathetic state more easily and more regularly, I recommend trying this 5-minute practice daily this week. Simply notice what happens when you’re off the mat. The intention isn’t to feel more checked out of our realities; rather, observe your mind, body, emotions, and response when you’re squarely in the present.

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