the sweet release: meeting our tension
Stress & Anxiety, Mindfulness/Meditation jillian pransky Stress & Anxiety, Mindfulness/Meditation jillian pransky

the sweet release: meeting our tension

When I was about 12 years old, I had mononucleosis and hepatitis, and I had to have blood drawn practically every week for months. I have tiny veins, and it’s always been difficult for nurses to access them. They’d wind up using a painful procedure called fishing, which involves poking the needle in and spinning it until it makes contact with the vein. In addition to a lot of black-and-blue marks, I wound up with loads of anxiety about needles that persisted into adulthood.

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our life partner, the breath. a love story.

our life partner, the breath. a love story.

Stressful situations will always arise in our life, and sometimes it will feel as if there’s no solid ground to support us. Each time we pause and replace our attention on our breath, our mind comes “home” to our body. Each time we replace our attention on our breath, we grow more grounded. For a moment, we stop thinking about the future or replaying the past. For a moment, we can stop zipping around trying to make things better.

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change is inevitable, growth is optional
Fall, Stress & Anxiety Sophia Studio Fall, Stress & Anxiety Sophia Studio

change is inevitable, growth is optional

September races in, pushing us to a starting line. We launch eagerly into new commitments and rededicate ourselves to routine. Yet, along with the excitement of what is to come, we may also experience nostalgia, and sometimes anxiety for what we leave behind. While it is a time of new beginnings, it is also a time of letting go and release.

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relaxation revolution
Fall Sophia Studio Fall Sophia Studio

relaxation revolution

I admit, when glancing at an image of a restorative yoga pose, it could look like a luxurious nap. In fact, many people joke that it's yoga for lazy people. Another popular belief is that restoratives are really for sick, injured, or old people. And while Restorative is deeply restful and healing, it is not just a physical 'recovery' practice.

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3 practices for better sleep
Sophia Studio Sophia Studio

3 practices for better sleep

In Ayurveda, early fall and winter are known for wreaking havoc on our ability to rest. These three practices will help fortify your sleep and balance the excess Vata energy within, so you can feel more grounded and calm all season long.

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land. arrive and relax into the new year.

land. arrive and relax into the new year.

Set Conditions to Feel More Calm, Clear, and Open This Year - with LARLAR

I remember it like yesterday. It was January 1993, I was walking up Fifth Avenue in Manhattan when a small gold sign advertising a yoga studio caught my eye. I turned on a whim, went in, and some two hours later, found myself sobbing on my yoga mat.

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metta meditation practice to expand love in your life
Sophia Studio Sophia Studio

metta meditation practice to expand love in your life

The practice of pausing and listening to our deeper inner voice rewires us. It allows us more access to our big-picture thinking, more comfort when we’re in a state of “not knowing,” and a greater capacity to pause before responding to challenging circumstances in our lives. It becomes easier to feel our own spaciousness and flexibility, allowing us to experience our relationships—and our life—in ways that we were not able to before. In other words, our perspective begins to change.

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