a heart-opening restorative to land on loving support
In this chest-opening restorative, you'll return to feel the support of the earth, so you can create space to welcome your breath.

a legs up restorative to land on loving support
Restorative Legs-Elevated Pose is a perfect resting position to release a constricted psoas. This pose can also help relieve excess tension and holding in the pelvis, belly, and back. It is known to help quiet and calm the mind as well.

savasana—one of yoga’s most advanced practices
This restorative yoga pose helps relax your psoas, reduce anxiety and improve your sleep.

restorative yoga flow: constructive rest practice
This potent 6-minute restorative yoga flow practice is a simple sequence that weaves together Constructive Rest, with mindfulness meditation and breath-based movement. It's just enough to leave you feeling gathered: more present, grounded, and open.

settling the psoas
At the core of our body lies the psoas. The psoas is a long muscle that connects the legs to the spine. When you feel unsafe, this muscle contracts. In fact, it’s said to be the very first muscle activated if you need to fight, flee, or freeze.