mindful relaxation: feel calmer & cooler in less than 10 minutes!

mindful relaxation: feel calmer & cooler in less than 10 minutes!

In this short, progressive relaxation practice, you’ll squeeze and release areas in your entire body, beginning at your feet and moving up, so you can let go of excess stress and tension, and feel a palpable sense of ease.

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heart practices for hard times with joy activist Sah D’Simone
Mindfulness/Meditation jillian pransky Mindfulness/Meditation jillian pransky

heart practices for hard times with joy activist Sah D’Simone

A conversation with Jillian and Sah D’Simone; a meditation teacher, spiritual guide, author and transformational speaker. Sah is the author of 5-Minute Daily Meditations, and Spiritually Sassy: 8 Radical Steps to Activate Your Innate Superpowers. He is the founder of Spiritually Sassy School platform and the presenter of the podcast titled The Spiritually Sassy Show

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a meditation to welcome spring
Spring, Mindfulness/Meditation, Practice Now jillian pransky Spring, Mindfulness/Meditation, Practice Now jillian pransky

a meditation to welcome spring

A virtual Spring Cleaning Equinox mini-retreat designed to help you remove heaviness and invite in fresh energy, preparing you to fully bloom into the season. You will flow through a short series of breath-based mindful vinyasa, rejuvenating restoratives, and an intention-setting meditation that will leave you feeling more bright and aligned with spring’s expanding energy.

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inner smile: an enlightening ancient healing practice
Mindfulness/Meditation Sophia Studio Mindfulness/Meditation Sophia Studio

inner smile: an enlightening ancient healing practice

I love when during meditation, Master Teacher Tara Brach offers the que, "imagine a smile in the heart". She clarifies that this inner smile is 'not as a way of cover up anything, but rather to make room for what is.' This is very true for me. When I 'imagine' a smile, I feel an opening, a softening, a somatic expansion in my body. I feel more spacious.

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yoga, meditation, and creativity: a conversation with jillian pransky and dani shapiro

yoga, meditation, and creativity: a conversation with jillian pransky and dani shapiro

How does our practice help stoke our creative process? In my inspiring conversation with my friend, New York Times best-selling author Dani Shapiro, we talk about the ways that yoga and meditation help Dani tap into her voice and imagination, in order to fuel her writing.

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