soothe your nervous system: a therapeutic touch meditation for extra TLC
We’ll integrate this pausing practice with metta “just like me” so that we can open up space for change, for possibility, for freedom.
a powerful humming practice to curb overthinking & relieve tension
We’ll integrate this pausing practice with metta “just like me” so that we can open up space for change, for possibility, for freedom.
gratitude: a medicinal practice to feel present & open to the fullness of life
When life serves us conditions that are depleting, try this meditation to feel more grounded, present, and connected.
breathing through this election season together: free meditation practice
We can practice building the expansion of our hearts for each other, for humanity, and very importantly for ourselves as we move through this stressful time and beyond.
my favorite 4-minute technique to navigate transitions ✨
This mirco-practice combines a potent breath technique with simple movement. It takes less than 5 minutes, and you can do it seated!
nervous system snack: create space & feel more grounded ✨
This short yet potent practice will help you feel more grounded, spacious, calm, and open.
nervous system snack: shake it up to move excess stress & stagnation
This 8-minute somatic shaking (and tapping) practice will help shift our energy to reset and begin again.
nervous system snacks: 1-minute breath practice to return to presence in times of stress
I’m sharing with you a one-minute breath practice to bring us back into the present moment. (My mom Phyllis is demonstrating this one with me!) I hope you’ll practice—anytime, anywhere.
nervous system snacks: 3 essential components for releasing tension
Try these short, easy meditation practices to create more space and ease in your body, mind and learn how to relax and restore your nervous system.
quick reset: 90-second nervous system practice
pause for this short practice with jillian pransky to connect with your breath and reset your nervous system
the art & science of restorative yoga teacher training - now on-demand!
Deepen your understanding, practice, and teaching of Restorative Yoga in this virtual training led by Jillian Pransky with guest workshops from Indu Arora, Hala Khouri, Dr. Gail Parker, Tracee Stanley, Lisa Weinert, and Dr. Christiane Wolf.
one-blanket restorative practice to boost energy & dissolve tension
Create space for the breath and feel refreshed!
a deep listening conversation with Indu Arora
A conversation with Jillian and Indu Arora about her journey into the deep study of yoga and ayurveda, which began with observing her parents' practice and growing up in a family of 15. She talks about the moments with her gurus that transformed her and allowed her to dedicate herself to the practice.
how to guide a soft belly breathing practice to help your students relax more
As a yoga teacher, helping students learn to learn to breathe well is an essential aspect of healing. You have options to help your students activate the vagus nerve to initiate the neurological state of relaxation.
a deep listening conversation with Dr. Christiane Wolf
A conversation with Jillian and Dr. Gail Parker about the difference between coming into agreement versus coming into understanding, the deep, deep work of getting to know ourselves, releasing expectations and allowing your students to have their own experiences, and so much more.