grounded in gratitude: a 60-minute slow flow to nurture our nervous system and hearts
A practice to help you feel more connected, rather than more separate, with all the transitions and changes life is serving up.

relieve neck tension & stimulate the vagus nerve in 10 minutes
This short routine relieves "tech neck" while at the same time incorporating humming, which directly stimulates the vagus nerve and helps us feel more calm and at ease.

stuck in a stress loop? free your breath (& feel calmer) with a side-body openers
Try this 8-minute practice that help you open up the spine and side body to facilitate a full diaphragmatic breath.

why we can't "think" our way out of stress (plus, 15-minute meditation for relaxation)
Try this 20-minute gentle, breath-based sequence that will begin to release the chronic stress that keeps us locked in a state of fight, flight, or freeze.

land, arrive, relax: 30-minute antidote to chronic stress & tension
We can’t just flip a switch on to “relax.” This 30-minute slow flow will set the conditions for rest and relaxation, so you can feel more grounded, present, and open in your day.

restorative yoga flow: constructive rest practice
This potent 6-minute restorative yoga flow practice is a simple sequence that weaves together Constructive Rest, with mindfulness meditation and breath-based movement. It's just enough to leave you feeling gathered: more present, grounded, and open.

change is inevitable, growth is optional
September races in, pushing us to a starting line. We launch eagerly into new commitments and rededicate ourselves to routine. Yet, along with the excitement of what is to come, we may also experience nostalgia, and sometimes anxiety for what we leave behind. While it is a time of new beginnings, it is also a time of letting go and release.

expanding into the heart of winter
Winter is nature’s time of hibernation, retreat, and contraction. As winter’s cold, wet, dark, and heavy qualities increase around us, they grow within us as well.