our life partner, the breath. a love story.
Stressful situations will always arise in our life, and sometimes it will feel as if there’s no solid ground to support us. Each time we pause and replace our attention on our breath, our mind comes “home” to our body. Each time we replace our attention on our breath, we grow more grounded. For a moment, we stop thinking about the future or replaying the past. For a moment, we can stop zipping around trying to make things better.
land. arrive and relax into the new year.
Set Conditions to Feel More Calm, Clear, and Open This Year - with LARLAR
I remember it like yesterday. It was January 1993, I was walking up Fifth Avenue in Manhattan when a small gold sign advertising a yoga studio caught my eye. I turned on a whim, went in, and some two hours later, found myself sobbing on my yoga mat.
settling the psoas
At the core of our body lies the psoas. The psoas is a long muscle that connects the legs to the spine. When you feel unsafe, this muscle contracts. In fact, it’s said to be the very first muscle activated if you need to fight, flee, or freeze.
pause and relax with this 10-minute guided meditation
Take a few moments to lay down and find a comfortable position. If you need some instruction on propping a supported relaxation pose visit here →
7 minute mindfulness meditation
Mindfulness is a major classification of meditation practices, known as vipassana, or insight meditation. Sometimes just called breath centered meditation. While it is taught in various ways, depending on your guide or the lineage of the practice, the practice always has some main characteristics.
expanding into the heart of winter
Winter is nature’s time of hibernation, retreat, and contraction. As winter’s cold, wet, dark, and heavy qualities increase around us, they grow within us as well.