two expansive listening meditation practices for spaciousness and clarity

two expansive listening meditation practices for spaciousness and clarity

Bring relief to our busy, bombarded, and preoccupied mind.

Listening meditation is simple, and anyone can do it anywhere. Essentially, we are training in being open and receptive. Eventually, listening meditation becomes an opportunity not only to cultivate a spacious attitude but also to be able to wait quietly for the unknown without expectations or fixed thinking.

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the sweet release: meeting our tension
Stress & Anxiety, Mindfulness/Meditation jillian pransky Stress & Anxiety, Mindfulness/Meditation jillian pransky

the sweet release: meeting our tension

When I was about 12 years old, I had mononucleosis and hepatitis, and I had to have blood drawn practically every week for months. I have tiny veins, and it’s always been difficult for nurses to access them. They’d wind up using a painful procedure called fishing, which involves poking the needle in and spinning it until it makes contact with the vein. In addition to a lot of black-and-blue marks, I wound up with loads of anxiety about needles that persisted into adulthood.

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our life partner, the breath. a love story.

our life partner, the breath. a love story.

Stressful situations will always arise in our life, and sometimes it will feel as if there’s no solid ground to support us. Each time we pause and replace our attention on our breath, our mind comes “home” to our body. Each time we replace our attention on our breath, we grow more grounded. For a moment, we stop thinking about the future or replaying the past. For a moment, we can stop zipping around trying to make things better.

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land. arrive and relax into the new year.

land. arrive and relax into the new year.

Set Conditions to Feel More Calm, Clear, and Open This Year - with LARLAR

I remember it like yesterday. It was January 1993, I was walking up Fifth Avenue in Manhattan when a small gold sign advertising a yoga studio caught my eye. I turned on a whim, went in, and some two hours later, found myself sobbing on my yoga mat.

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