15-minute deep core practice to reconnect and recenter
This foundational core sequence will help you reconnect to your center and prepare you for subtle heart practices.

4 skills to help us release tension (plus: free gift: a nourishing self-care restorative yoga practice)
This practice will gently enhance circulation, promote lymph drainage, nourish your respiratory system, balance your energy, and create a sense of space in your heart, both physically and emotionally.

the sweet release: meeting our tension
When I was about 12 years old, I had mononucleosis and hepatitis, and I had to have blood drawn practically every week for months. I have tiny veins, and it’s always been difficult for nurses to access them. They’d wind up using a painful procedure called fishing, which involves poking the needle in and spinning it until it makes contact with the vein. In addition to a lot of black-and-blue marks, I wound up with loads of anxiety about needles that persisted into adulthood.