all about metta (lovingkindess) meditation: the practice for precarious times
Explore the simple time-tested (and research-backed) practice that’s truly important medicine for our times.

feel more clear, connected, & expansive with this simple full chakra meditation
Try this short chakra awareness practice to feel more grounded, clear, and connected.

heart chakra meditation to create conditions for love and care
This 10-minute adapted metta practice will help us meet ourselves with kindness and spaciousness… so we create conditions to meet each other with the same.

5 benefits of tapping into the relaxation response (plus, a 5-minute legs-up practice for relaxation)
If you’d like to build up your capacity to tap into your parasympathetic state more easily and more regularly, I recommend trying this 5-minute practice daily this week. Simply notice what happens when you’re off the mat. The intention isn’t to feel more checked out of our realities; rather, observe your mind, body, emotions, and response when you’re squarely in the present.

15-minute tension tamer for tough times
Try this short but potent practice of gentle, rhythmic breath-based yoga movements and deep relaxation. This simple pause will offer you a little room to breath, move, rest, and recuperate.

feeling depleted? fill back up with a deeply restorative meditation
Replenish your reserves from deep depletion created by fear, confusion, and anguish. We’ll nourish ourselves energetically, restoring our resources so we can be more nurturing for each other.

explore the science of deep relaxation
Try this FREE deep restorative practice and take refuge in constructive rest post.

the practice that helped me listen to my inner wisdom
Try this FREE meditation practice to help us listen softly and compassionately to ourselves and what our body is saying to us. This meditation pairs with Chapter 6 of my book, Deep Listening.

feeling rooted & nourished this spring
This short practice is designed to help you feel stronger, more stable, and grounded. Using blocks as weights, you’ll build awareness of your feet on the ground, nourishing yourself with the energy of the earth.

a meditation to create space in the midst of chaos
It's said that the normal mind is like a snow globe when shaken—the thoughts are flying everywhere and swirling chaotically. The meditative mind is said to be more like the snow globe when all the flakes settle. In this way, the metaphor for a meditation practice is really describing the process of letting the snowflakes settle gradually.

metta meditation practice to expand love in your life
Metta meditation is an ancient practice that can be used as a transformational technique to improve your relationships.

a squeeze & release savasana to release layers of tension
In this squeeze and release practice you’ll release layers of habitual tension to create more ease and calm in your body and in your lifel

metta meditation for a spacious heart
In this practice, we’ll create space within us and around us, so we can return to our spiritual heart center, and practice meeting and anchoring ourselves here in the present moment.

power up with this summer solstice ritual & contemplation
Try this contemplative summer ritual to set an intention and harness the transformational power of the sun.

the meditation i return to again and again…
a guided meditation to generative awareness in your body, mind, and breath - a meditation to return to again and again

a metta meditation practice to expand into power of the heart—our heart
In this lovingkindness meditation, we’ll use the imagery of a flower radiating open in order to inhabit our hearts more fully.

pause and relax with this 10-minute guided meditation
Take a few moments to lay down and find a comfortable position. If you need some instruction on propping a supported relaxation pose visit here →