how to do seasonal ayurvedic reset with a kitchari monodiet by jennifer kurdyla
It’s less of a cleanse, and more of a reset—a chance to come back to the state of health and energy that is our true baseline.
nourish the gut-brain connection: a soft belly meditation to release unnecessary tension and relax more
In this meditation, we get down into our deep gut and core to experience the relationship between the belly, diaphragm, vagus nerve, and ability to digest — so we can release unnecessary tension and feel more relaxed.

a simple vagus nerve practice to shift into rest and digest
The state of our nervous system is directly related to the quality of our digestion. Simply put, when we’re relaxed, in a state of rest and digest, the process of digestion is initiated. The vagus nerve is in direct communication with each organ and system, sending and receiving messages as well as directly impacting the overall state and health of these organ systems. This meditation focuses on a simple technique to stimulate and tone the vagus nerve, in order to elicit the relaxation response.

a meditation to enhance your digestive capacity
While meditation has long been known to promote better digestion, a 2015 study from the Benson-Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital and at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center found that practicing mindful breathing, meditation and yoga can create positive changes in gene expression in patients with diseases of the digestive organs—relieving symptoms and even markers for diseases such as IBS and IBD.

clean sweep for spring
As spring winds sweep the earth clean, we too need a good sweeping out.