3 ways to practice free-flow breathing
As we release deep tension in restorative yoga, we create the conditions for our breath to flow more freely. We create space for the breath to come and go on its own, in a free flow, in as deep of a capacity as it can at that moment.

when a panic attack becomes a gift
It was in Autumn 2000, and it wasn't a typical day.
I was coming home from Maryland after helping to clear out the belongings of my beloved sister-in-law who had just passed away from cancer a few months before.

change is inevitable, growth is optional
September races in, pushing us to a starting line. We launch eagerly into new commitments and rededicate ourselves to routine. Yet, along with the excitement of what is to come, we may also experience nostalgia, and sometimes anxiety for what we leave behind. While it is a time of new beginnings, it is also a time of letting go and release.