try this cozy one-blanket swaddle to release tension

We often assume that we need piles of props to create an effective rest practice, but the benefits of restorative yoga don’t arise simply from the number of blankets and blocks we use.

Restorative yoga is so powerful because it creates awareness around our relationship to support… what support we need, where we need it, what would allow us to land, soften, and release just a bit more.

As I teach in my restorative yoga trainings, creating supportive postures for you and your students fosters the conditions that can initiate a nervous system response that tells our brain that it’s safe to rest and digest. (We’ll be diving into the science of the relaxation response and use it as a foundation for creating deeply restful postures and practices in my upcoming training, which starts on March 18.)

there is a place in the heart where everything meets. go there if you want to find me.
— sutra 26 of the radiance sutras translated by lorin roche

Today I’d like to share with you a profound resting pose, the Blanket Swaddle, that you can try with a single blanket as well as a pillow. I invite you to try this 10-minute practice now!

The Blanket Swaddle is appropriate anytime you need to release deeper tension, but it’s also great for winter because it’s so insulating.

It’s like a gentle loving hug!

Being held, we can feel supported enough to progressively release our tension into the blanket and settle into the space of the heart… with everything we are feeling in the here and now.

one-blanket swaddle to release tension & rest in our heart


want to go deeper?
restorative yoga teacher training

Want to deepen your understanding of restorative yoga and its profound impact on the body and nervous system? Join Jillian’s upcoming Restorative Yoga Teacher Training. This online program is designed for yoga teachers, wellness practitioners, and dedicated students looking to integrate restorative practices into their teaching and personal practice. Learn tools to facilitate deep relaxation, enhance breathwork, and create healing experiences for yourself and others.


explore constructive rest: 3 ways to support deep rest and relaxation


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